🚀Quick Start

Welcome to Light Able Next.js Admin Template! This comprehensive guide will help you kickstart your development journey with our powerful Next.js 14.1 and Bootstrap 5.3 admin template.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  1. Node.js v20.11.16 or higher

  2. Or Yarn 1.2 or higher

  3. A code editor of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text)


Before running the application we need to install the dependencies used in this project

  1. Open your project in vs code or any other editors.

  2. Start a command prompt window or terminal Navigate to the template's root directory using the terminal and run the following commands:

yarn add node.js

This command will fetch all dependencies listed in /package.json and place them into/node_modules folder.


Adjust the basic configuration settings in the src/config.js file to match your project requirements. You can set the application name, default language, and other essential options here.

Run Project

To run the Nodejs application navigate your prompt to project folder and run the following command. This command will listen for changes and hot reload them.

yarn run dev / npm run dev

Enjoy your development with Light Able

Last updated